Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. — William Butler Yeats
CerebroX is an education management consultancy

that supports schools in the MENA region by providing hardware for teachers, extra-curricular STEM activities for students, and event management support for STEM and robotics competitions.

We support teachers by training them on new technology and changing teaching styles so they can move away from traditional lectures to a more collaborative, project-based and student-driven classroom environment. Our senior management team has been in the education and training industry for over twenty years, bringing together industrial and vocational experience to deliver solutions that prepare the next generation for the dreams and demands of tomorrow.

We are proud to support our clients through hands-on collaboration. Together we provide high quality education that embraces developing technology, inclusive classrooms, and interdisciplinary learning.



We trained, supervised, and supported the first Emirati team to compete in the Arab Regional MATE ROV Competition, where they qualified for the World Championship in the USA. They were the first UAE team to travel to the International Final to compete in the underwater robotics competition.

We were appointed the sole regional partner for the MATE ROV Competition in the UAE and organized and managed the competition event at the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Competition Series in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Launched the first renewable energy-based challenge in the MENA region in collaboration with the MOE of the UAE.

Organized the first UAE Horizon Grand Prix competition, where a world record was made with the first all-girl team winning the renewable energy competition.

Provided 100 hours of renewable energy training and workshops.

Launched the first Aerial Robotics competition in the MENA region for schools, where two teams qualified to represent the UAE in the International Championship in the USA

Sponsored and co-organized the first VEX GirlPowered STEM outreach event held in the UAE, attended by over 100 schoolgirls to promote STEM education for girls.

Demonstrated renewable energy technology and ran multiple professional development sessions for over fifty teachers at Invitation for Innovation events with the Ministry of Education.

Supported the expansion of Emirates Skills to include drone skills by delivering hardware and organizing COEX Drone training, supported by specialized drone trainers from Moscow.

Submitted eight Virtual Competition Events to the Ministry of Education covering renewable energy and automotive design, ROVs, and drone skills. We also supplied virtual lessons and learning resources for all participating teams.


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