
GITEX 2022 - The LabsForHome beta makes its debut on the biggest technological stage in the gulf

CerebroX was over the moon to be a part of the biggest tech exhibition in the UAE - GITEX 2022, where we demoed our innovative solution, LabsForHome.

LabsForHome is a comprehensive approach to science education in schools that combines our cutting-edge physical tech kit plus data logger with SiMinds' immersive simulation software. And let us tell you, did we make an impact!

The Ultimate Solution for Interactive Science Learning

Our goal is to encourage students to quench their thirst for knowledge and improve their understanding of the world around them. We are positive that by providing an interactive and exciting learning environment, we can instill an everlasting interest in science and learning that will help guide them towards a successful future in the STEM fields.

Visitors at our booth were blown away by our early demo of LabsForHome and the potential it has to transform the way students learn about biology, chemistry, and physics. With its immersive hybrid solution, through the use of both our simulation software and the physical tech kit, students can learn about the sciences in a unique and engaging way, igniting their curiosity and enthusiasm.

With LabsForHome, schools can differentiate themselves from other institutions that only offer traditional labs by offering a more comprehensive and dynamic learning experience. By inspiring students to learn in new and exciting ways, LabsForHome can help educational institutions stand out and provide their students with a competitive advantage in the future.

A Boosting Pad for the Future

At GITEX, we had the opportunity to connect with educators, school administrators, and other exhibitors who share our passion for innovative education solutions. We were thrilled to receive positive feedback from visitors who appreciated how different LabsForHome is and how it can be used to enhance science education.

The version shown at GITEX was still an early work-in-progress, but nevertheless, it was clear to all who attended that LabsForHome will continue to grow at an astonishing rate to meet its limitless potential as we pursue the development and improvement of the solution.

We are excited to bring LabsForHome to the UAE and the wider GCC region in collaboration with both public and private institutions. Our goal is to have a positive impact on students across the gulf, and we can't wait to see the difference LabsForHome will make in their learning experience.

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