Vex Go
VEX GO is an affordable STEM construction system that taps into children's natural
inquisitiveness. VEX GO utilizes the VEX IQ plastic construction system and adapts it
for primary students.
Empower Your Primary Students by Building a Robot within Minutes
Meet VEX GO. An affordable construction system that teaches the fundamentals of STEM through fun, hands-on
activities that help young students perceive coding and engineering in a fun and positive way!
VEX GO includes fun, collaborative, hands-on, minds-on activities that encourage all students to participate
Creative and Programmable
VEX GO Imagines new ways to create while identifying unique patterns and relationships. Using VEXcode GO, a
Scratch Blocks-based programming environment available for iOS, Android and Amazon Fire tablets, Windows and
VEX GO STEM Labs are designed to provoke STEM thinking and spark creative problem-solving ideas in as little
as 40 minutes. Mapped to international standards.
Please contact us directly to request a quote.